Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mystery Chick

Ran in to Kristen and Aubrey at Target last night. Aubrey was quite intrigued with all the Easter decorations. She was pointing them all out to me. Then she pointed far away and said what sounded like "There's a mystery chick!" We looked around to see what in the heck she was talking about. Sure enough, a mystery chick.


Stacey said...

What the heck is a mystery chick? It sounds like the first date your brother brings home from college.

Amy said...

It's the Nancy Drew of Easter chicks, that's what it is!

Chip Duford said...

As your brother, I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to take offense to that or not!

Stacey said...

Take no offense. But that first girl is always a Mystery Chick. Will she be a Preppie? An Art Major? One of those Freaks who hangs out at the theater ..... oh ..... I mean .... NOT freaks .... oh .... never mind.

Stacey said...

Are there Easter mysteries that this Chick needs to solve?

Amy said...

Of course, where did the Easter Bunny hide the eggs?