Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Single Mom

Don't worry, it's only for 10 days.

Rick has been at The Press forever and therefore has way more vacation time accumulated than I do. He left at 4 this morning with his friend Doug, and Mark and A.J. (Mark's girlfriend) for some fun in the sun in Gulf Shores visiting his parents.

They took along fishing poles and golf clubs. As long as they make a stop at JoePatti's and bring me back some royal red shrimp and maybe some trigger fish, it will make all the extra work worth while. Poor Maggie had to get up at the crack of dawn this morning so I could drop her off at daycare and get to work.

The girls have winter break Thursday and Friday, so we're going to join the Livingston girls for some skiing at Crystal Mountain on Friday.

Saturday will be extra dance rehearsals due to all the snow days. And then next week will be a long, long week knowing the boys are off enjoying themselves and we're stuck in the snow.


carascreations said...

Sheesh - I feel your single mom pain, though I think I did it for nearly 8 months!!

Have fun skiing!

Amy said...

You are a better woman than I!